Monday, September 12, 2011

Create HTML Form with File-Upload

Hi there. In this tutorial, I will show you a simple template of a file-upload form using HTML. Many new HTML developers think that a form with a file-upload input is the same as a normal form with few text fields and drop-down menus. Well, it is a little bit different. You need to add few extra details in the form, so that the file gets uploaded to the server without any problem. At the end of this tutorial, you will learn how to create a form with file-upload input like the following:

Friday, September 9, 2011

Insert iframe in HTML Page

Hello. In this tutorial, I will show you how to include iframe inside HTML page. iframe is an HTML element that can display an external document inside HTML page. Check the following links, and notice how the below iframe content gets changed regarding the the link that you click on.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Make Link Opens a Page in New Window or Tab

Hello. In this tutorial I will show you a small tip in HTML that opens the link on a new window or tab when the user clicks on it. Sometimes, you view a page, and that page has some links to other pages. You want to view the other pages without leaving the current page, but when you click on the link, it moves you from the current page to the new page. The leading browsers including (Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari and Opera) add a feature that you can right-click on the link and choose whether you want to view it in a new window or new tab. What if you forget to right-click on the link and choose to open it in a new tab, then the browser will take you from the current page to the new page.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Make Parts of an Image Work Like Links

Hello everyone. In this tutorial I will show you an example that will teach you how to make parts of an image work as links like in the following image.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Disable Auto-complete Feature of HTML Form in Web Page

Hello everyone. In this tutorial, I will show you how you can disable auto-complete feature in HTML form. Sometimes, you look to disable this feature for forms that contain very sensitive information relative to the user.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Get SelectedValues from Listbox Control in VB.NET

Hi. In this tutorial I will show you how to get the selected values in ListBox control in VB.NET. Many VB.NET developers might wonder why there's no (SelectedValues) property for ListBox control while there's (SelectedItems) property. Same I ask. Well, (SelectedValues) property is not provided in VB.NET assuming that you can get the selected values in the ListBox control from (SelectedItems) property. Using the (SelectedItems) property to get the selected values is not a clear approach.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How to Remove Mistyped Auto-Complete Entries in Forms

Welcome everybody. In this post I will show you a simple useful trick that can help many of you. Many websites have log-in forms that supports auto-complete when you start typing in form fields. Note that this trick is not only for log-in forms, but it can be applied to other forms. Also, this trick can be applied on other browsers, not just Firefox, like Chrome, Safari and IE only if auto-complete option is enabled in the browser's preferences. For example, let's apply this trick in Yahoo!. When you want to sign-in in Yahoo, you will fill the sign-in form as shown below.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Display Part of Post with (Read more) Link

Welcome everyone. In this tutorial I will show you how you can display part of your post after you publish it, and let visitors have the choice to view the full version of your post by clicking on the (Read more) link.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Designing AutoLogger with AutoIt3

AutoIt Website:

As I explained that AutoIt3 scripting language can be used to automate many tasks on your Windows computers. A simple example of an automated task is an auto-login. Sometimes you feel lazy entering your username and password to log-in to Windows Live Messenger, Google Talk, or Skype. This tutorial will help you to make an auto-login script for Google Talk using AutoIt3. The same procedure can be followed for other chatting programs with few code modifications. Before we start, I assume that you at least skimmed through the first four AutoIt3 tutorials. If you didn't, please visit the page of AutoIt3 Tutorials.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Getting Familiar with Aut2Exe Program

AutoIt Website:

Hi folks. In this tutorial, I will show you how to convert AutoIt3 scripts to executable files (.exe). First, let's run the Aut2Exe program by clicking on its shortcut as the following image describes.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Getting Familiar with AutoIt3 Window Info Tool

AutoIt Website:

Hello everyone. In this tutorial, I will help you to get familiar with a very useful tool that was integrated with the full installation package of AutoIt3. The tool I'm talking about is called (AutoIt Window Info), and the following image show where you can locate its shortcut to run it. Let's run this tool, and discover its importance in developing AutoIt3 scripts.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Getting Familiar with AutoIt3 Script Editor

In this tutorial, I will help you to get familiar with the script editor of AutoIt3, and its features that makes programming with AutoIt3 easier than any text editor. This script editor was part of the full installation package that we installed in the previous tutorial: Installing AutoIt3 Full Package.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Installing AutoIt3 Full Package

In this tutorial, we will download and install the full package of AutoIt3 scripting language. The first step is to visit the downloads page of AutoIt3 website from this link.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my humble blog. This blog is still baby, and I promise to dedicate my time in providing some useful tutorials, and tricks that solve issues for lots of people. I will focus more on providing tutorials in programing and scripting languages. Furthermore, I will add tutorials about using some programs for establishing unique tasks. Waiting for your comments :).